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December 14th, 2024

Sonora High School

January 11th 2025

Tesoro High School

February 9th, 2025

Capo Valley High School


Scheduling Reservation From

Division Descriptions



1. Directions & Parking

Directions to the event will be posted on our website at least 2 weeks prior to the event. We have no control over the parking situation. Parents and teams should be prepared to pay for parking. All parking tickets disputes must be handled with the facility where the event is being held.


2.General Admission / Food

Tickets sales will all be online, no tickets will be sold at the door.  Link to buy tickets will be available one week prior to the competition. 

All fees associated with ticket sales are the responsibility of the purchaser. Please bring ticket with you to be scanned at the door ( you may print out tickets or use your phone)

We will start scanning tickets 30 minutes before the competition begins. Food and drinks will be available for purchase throughout the event outside. We are not responsible for the type, price, quality of the food, if the vendors run out of food, or how many stands are open.

Regional Events:  $20 Adults/ $15 Children (3 - 12) and Seniors (65+) 
King of the Bleachers: $20 Adults/ $15Children (3 - 12) Seniors (65+) 

3.Discount Pricing for teams / Spectator Season Pass

Teams who attend a a Regional Event will receive a discounted price for King of the Bleachers. 

NEW! Season pass for all competitions - $40.  This price gets you a wristband that allows you to attend all Three (3) events, Winter Classic, Spirit Spectacular, King of the Bleachers for the 24-25 Season.  For more information email us at


4.Order of Performance, Performance Fee, Payment, Entry Deadlines, Wristbands and Non Performing Student

In most cases, teams will perform towards the bottom of the division based on when we receive payment (NOT registration).  

*Prices will be shown on the registration page once you have highlighted the competition from the drop down box at the top. For King of the Bleachers, this will allow you to indicate if you have attended a regional event and qualify for the discounted price.  

Cross Over Fees-All Second and Third Event Team Performances: 
Regionals: $150 per added team performance (There is no Individual Cross Over Fee).
King of the Bleachers (there is an individual crossover fee after the first team event performance)

Second Event $35 per participant

Third Event: $25 per participant

College/Open Fees:
The fee for College Open teams is as follows:

  • Team with 15 Members and Under First Performances: $400 Flat Rate.  Second Performance is $150 Flat Rate.

  •  Teams with 16+ Members First Performance: $400 plus $15 each addition member.  Second Performance is $150 Flat Rate.  


Non Performers:
Non Performers are not required to pay the participation fee for U.S. Spiritleaders events. Non performers must purchase wristbands at the event if they wish to have the same access as all participants. If Non performers would like to be included in receiving any awards their team should win, it is the same fee as the participant fee.


Coach Wristband Policy:
Each team is allowed two free coach wristbands. Each additional coach wristband may be purchased at the price of the Child Spectator Fee.


Refund/Late Entry/Changes Policies:
There will be no refunds 14 days prior to the event and a $200 change/late fee per occurrence.


All entry checks must be received 14 days prior to the event. There is a $200 late fee for entries after the deadline, if accepted.There are no refunds for cancellations 14 days prior to the event. Only school checks, cashiers checks, money orders, Zelle, or credit cards made payable to U.S. Spiritleaders will be accepted prior to the deadline of the event. Only cashiers checks or money orders will be accepted from Schools or All-Star Gyms within 14 days of the event.Teams or individuals will not be placed on the order of performance list until all fees have been received. All change of performances will not be made unless we have received the $200 entry fee change. Only cashiers checks or money orders will be accepted from Schools or All-Star Gyms for entry changes. Only cash will be accepted if there are any changes on the day of the event. Late Entry participants are not guaranteed handouts or giveaways if supplies run out.

5.Regional Qualifier

Teams do not need to qualify to attend King of the Bleachers.  However, there is a discount if you attend a regional event.  The price is indicated on the King of the Bleachers registration form once you have indicated you have attended a regional event or not.  


6.Video Qualifying 

Teams may qualify for the King of the Bleachers discount rate by submitting a video.   The fee is $55 per person. Video entry forms and information is available on the King of the Bleachers section of the website.


7.Coaches Policy Agreement 

The main coach/sponsor must sign and turn in the "Coaches Policy Guide" at check-in. This acknowledges the acceptance of our rules concerning medical/insurance, routine safety guidelines, eligibility, trainer restrictions, sportsmanship, and performance rules. This form will only need to be turned in at the first U.S. Spiritleaders competition you attend each season.


8.Release Forms

All participants are required to fill out a release form for their first U.S. Spiritleaders event of the season. The initial Release Form will apply to any additional U.S. Spiritleaders events for that season.  Please do not send Release Forms to our office.  We will collect them at check-in the day of the event.  


9.Routine/Divisions/Safety Guidelines/Judging Result Appeals 

U.S. Spiritleaders recognizes that teams attend other competition events. Because of this fact rules and guidelines are constantly changing. Teams may perform skills that are permitted at your final National competitions destination.  


  • Division and Team Size Categories:

    • U.S.Spiritleaders recognizes that UDA, NDA, and USA all have different division sizes. Based on the enrollment of each of our competitions, we will group the dance categories based on your final National competitions destination.  We will send a preliminary order of performance to determine if the majority of the teams are happy with the division breakdown.  

  • School Teams may perform skills that are accepted by Varsity Brands, JAMZ, and U.S. Spiritleaders sponsored competitions. U.S. Spiritleaders Safety Rules reflect these organizations guidelines which follow AACCA Rules and can be found in the PDF areas of each competition site.

  • All Star Teams may perform skills approved by the U.S. All Star Federation ( and ICU.  

  • Questionable Skills It is the responsibility of all coaches to send in a video of any skill that could be illegal or fall within a gray line of legality to the U.S. Spiritleaders office one month prior to the competition date for approval.

  • All individual entrants must comply with the same rules and guidelines for the team division level that corresponds to their entered division. 

  • Placement and Judges Rulings All Judges rulings on the day of the event can only be questioned within one week following the event, in writing to the U.S. Spiritleaders office. It is the right of U.S. Spiritleaders to change placings within one week of the event. All teams in the division will be notified of such changes if they occur.



10.Eligibility, Crossovers, Changing Divisions


  • School Entrants may not compete in both Advanced, Intermediate, and Novice levels. and must be registered students of the school they are representing. A person may not compete in the JV and Varsity Division.

  • All-Star and Open Entrants All-Star and Open Entrants must follow the most current USASF/NACCC eligibility guidelines and cross over rules.

  • CrossOvers: There will be no special considerations for changing of uniforms, practice, or times between performances. No exceptions will be made in changing the order of appearance in the line up.

  • Changing Divisions: A team cannot move down a level after the preliminary order of performance has been posted.

  • Penalty: Any team or group/soloist will be disqualified for violation of any of these eligibility rules.


11. Performance Rules/Spring Floor Guidelines 

Please refer to the appropriate Safety Rules and Guideline PDF files for your particular division.  Cheerleaders and Mascots will compete on a 42x54 mat (9 Panels). Dance divisions will perform on a gym or hardwood floor.  There are no out of bound penalties. 


Order of Performance:
Teams will perform in the order of when their entry forms are received and paid in full. The earlier you turn your entry in, the later in the division your team will perform. 



  1. Timing begins with the first note of music or cheer and ends with the last note of music or cheer.

  2. Squads will be penalized 5 points every 5 seconds over the time limit. Teams will be penalized 5 points if they or the coach are not ready to perform or start the music.

  3. The event reserves the right to call teams to perform no more than 30 minutes ahead of time or if running behind schedule, announce the new estimated time of performance. 


  1. There will be no Spotters during High School and All Star cheer performances.  You must email a request for spotters one week prior to the event.  



 MUSIC GUIDELINES(For Music Licensing and Use of Music Click here)

  1. A representative from the competing team must be present at the sound table to start and stop the MP3.

  2.  Music for each performance should be labeled with the team name/division and begin at the start of a high quality recording.

  3. You must provide at least two forms of music at the time your team performs.

  4. We are not responsible for and skipping or stopping during performance, and MP3 Players that cannot be read by our sound system.

  5.  MP3s may be used to play your competition music. More than one routine track may be on the MP3. 

  6. We are not liable for the use of iphones, iPods, or MP3's. Make sure you have enough battery power to your device.  Your device should be placed in  airplane mode to prevent inturruption from texts, phone calls, or notifcations.  In the event your music should stop, your squad must continute to perform without the music.  After your teams completed performance we will decide if the reasons were because of the events machinery or your device.  It is at the descretion of U.S. Spiritleaders to decide if your team can perform again being judged from where the music cut out.    


Interruption Of Performance:

  1. It is recommended that mp3's or iPods be used.

  2. If the interruption of the routine occurs due to a failure of the equipment, facilities, or other factors associated with the event, the squad may perform the routine again.

  3.  If the routine is interrupted due to the failure of the team’s MP3, the team may perform the routine again from the section where the interruption first occurred. On the second occurrence, the tournament director reserves the right to decide if a team may perform again based on time, safety, and any event circumstances. Team’s should be prepared with a back up form of music.

  4. If an injury takes place during the performance the squad may either continue the routine or withdraw.

  5. The tournament director reserves the right to decide if a team may completely re-perform their routine due to time, safety, and any event circumstances.



  1. It is important that you receive the guidelines of your particular division(s).

  2.  School Guidelines differ from All Star Guidelines.

  3. Dance Guidelines differ from Cheer.

  4. These policies can be found in the PDF sections above.

  5. You must email the U.S. Spiritleaders office at least two weeks prior to the event for any questions or clarifications.


Overtime: .5 Deduction for each second over time limit.

Illegal Execution: .5 Deduction for every safety and division rule infraction

Performance Distractions: 5 for every infraction (unsportsmanlike conduct, inappropriate moves or music.)

12. Entry Confirmation and Line Up Posting

Coaches will be notified via e-mail that we have received your entry form within 10 working days. Medical/Insurance forms, sample score sheets, rules, and all general information is available on the website. A Preliminary and Final Line-up PDF file will also be posted on the website at least 5 days prior to the event.


13. Trophies and Medals 

No trophies will be rewarded.  All school teams will receive a participation medal for 2nd-5th place, First place winners will receive one First Place Lanyard and medal per division.  


14.  Sportsmanship 

It is the goal of U.S. Spiritleaders to make competitions fun, innovative, and positive. Teams will be penalized for inappropriate choreography, music or uniforms.  We will not tolerate bad sportsmanship by participants, coaches, and fans/parents. We reserve the right to remove any person/persons that are unsportsmanlike or do not follow the directions of the security and event staff. Coaches should set a good example and make their teams and fans aware of the team penalties for unsportsmanlike conduct. (20 points for each occurrence.) U.S. Spiritleaders Events invites judges from different cheerleading and dance backgrounds so different styles are taken into consideration. All judges decisions are final and are objective. Coaches should prepare their teams and fans/parents in the way they conduct themselves during the day, during the awards ceremony, and even after the event is over.

15.  Cheer/Dance Coach Certification

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US Spiritleaders: The Choice of Champions. Camps, Competitions and Equipment for Cheerleaders. Copyright © US Spiritleaders, Long Beach, CA. All rights reserved.


All materials (text, images, illustrations) contained on this site are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of US Spiritleaders. 

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