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Rey Lozano is the owner and founder of

U.S. Spiritleaders Cheerleading and Dance

Camps, which offers innovative choreography

to School and All-Star teams.


He and his company run successful cheer and dance

competitions including King of the Bleachers Invitational, X-Treme

Games Invitational, Best of the West Championships and several

regional Cheerleading and Dance Competitions.


Over the last 35 years, Rey has choreographed more than 50 National Championship winning routines for High School, Collegiate, and All-Star teams throughout the country. Many of these routines can be seen by clicking on the "youtube" links at

In addition to competitive choreography, he has worked with several professional teams including the Portland Trailblazers, Sacramento Kings, LA Clippers, St. Louis Rams, and was the coach/choreographer for the Los Angeles Rams Dancers and Stunt Squads. 

Rey's current interest is working with team's and countries around the world teaching them how to choreograph and train competitive cheerleaders and dancers.His cheerleading and dance talents have reached international levels through choreography, and seminars, including events in Australia, Canada, Mexico, Chile, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Japan, England, and Germany. Rey's choreography has been highlighted in half-time shows for the Japan's Coca-Cola Bowl, and NFL American Bowls in Japan, England, and Germany.



Commercially, Rey has choreographed many television specials including the Academy Awards, American Music Awards, MTV Awards, All-Sport All-Star Awards, and the Nickelodeon Kid's Choice Awards. He has worked with Paula Abdul on some of the productions mentioned above as well as video projects, her first tour, and has assisted her with piolot projects for MTV. Most recently he assisted Paula on her newest music video "Dance Like There's No Tomorrow" and her Super Bowel Pre-Game Performance.


Rey finishes out his commitment to the world of cheer and dance as a designer for many uniform companies such as Varsity, Cheerleader & Danz Team, Elite Uniform Company, and Team Mates.

He created the concept of the Bodyliner and introduced many of the trendsetting ideas in cheer and dance design today. More recently, he has created his own apparel company, Student Bodies and Reyzor Wear. 

In addition to his passion for cheer and dance, Rey served as the Director of the Commercial Dance Department at the Orange County High School of the Arts for eight years. During his tenure he was responsible for writing, directing, and choreographing original musical productions. 

Rey is currently on the USASF National Advisory Board and was recognized as one of the 25 Most Influential People in Cheerleading. He has also been featured and written articles for American Cheerleader , All-Star Cheer , Dance Spirit, Cheer Biz, and Cheer Coach & Advisor Magazines. American Cheerleader Magazine and the Hershey Company selected Rey to represent them in a National competition for teams across the country. First prize being a competition routine choreographed by Rey.

US Spiritleaders: The Choice of Champions. Camps, Competitions and Equipment for Cheerleaders. Copyright © US Spiritleaders, Long Beach, CA. All rights reserved.


All materials (text, images, illustrations) contained on this site are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of US Spiritleaders. 

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